Monday, December 6, 2010

The Growing Continues

Just a quick post to say I am still here!! The hair is growing and I am enjoying the new natural silvers. It has not been cut since the 17th of September and my plan is to continue to grow for a long bob style that can be pulled back into a ponytail again. I read that "long takes longer when you cut" so I am not going to have it cut for several more months. If it gets too annoying I may try for a bit of a trim but I hope I won't have to. It seems whenever I used to go for just a "trim" I would come out with what still felt like a "cut." And as I said before..."long takes longer when you cut". In the past month I have crossed paths with and commented to two different women on their natural silvers, both of whom had beautiful longer hair. They were so appreciative of the compliments and we chatted a while about the freedom of not coloring and of wearing it long. I was inspired by both women and felt very encouraged that I will really enjoy having long silver hair when it's here. So, on I shall grow!! May you have a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!!